Saturday 22 October 2011

Étoile Family

Étoile Famly is open now. I think i'll join too. The Makiyo Family i make, i'll make it to a clan not a family. And about the poll, it will continue until the end.
É Rules :
★ Must be Loyal(In other wods, you can't join other pico family but clans/groups, it's fine)
☆ Must be Proud
★ We must be added on Facebook.

 How to join:

★ Take a Video of the while recording the following information of you and upload it on youtube and response to this video : Étoile Search 2011
☆ On the description of your video. Put there your Pico name.
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★ For Facebook Users, you can upload your video or post your video link here: (
 For non-Facebook users but have youtube account, Upload it on youtube and make a response to this video (

Information we need:

☆ Put your Pico name (Make sure you won't change it, because we will be checking the name after the search)
★ Country (real country/state)
☆ VIP Number/PRB high number (if you are a member)
★ Who are your buddies in Étoile family.
☆ Why do you want to join our family?
     -tell your reason or story.. how did you know u feel.. something like that xD
★ If you have pictures with us, feel free to put it as well! If you don't have, well, we don't mind :)
☆ You can also add more information/stuffs like ur age, your room. your favorite dress,favorite decor.. Anything! Just do it on your way.

Things to remember:

☆ Only YOU, on the video, answering the things we wanted to know.
★ Make sure that you own everything you are going to show.
☆ Please do answer everything in the "information we need"
★ You may put designs on your video, JUST MAKE SURE it's clear and we could read it well
☆ Please use English language
★ Feel free to add back ground music on your video! It depends on you which you're comforted :)
☆ By joining this search means, you are agree with the simple Étoile rules.
★ Étoiles will NOT going to add buddies while this event is ongoing. -  Don't ask why.
☆Make sure we could see your talk well, ZOOM IT IN.


★ No recorder? Download CamStudio or HyperCam here!
    -if you are lazy to download, you can just take pictures and make it as a video when you edit it on your video maker.
☆ I don't have video Maker!
    -if you are using Windows, check out on your start> All programs> Windows Movie Maker
    -you can also use online movie maker
★ I don't have any idea how to make the vid!
    -we will be posting a sample vid soon, just caml down ;)
☆ OMG! What to wear?
    -Anything. Your own style.
★ Got more Questions? Ask us here!