Sunday 30 October 2011


Have you buy the Ballerina action? It is so nice. Miyuki, Rose and Cystal is dancing.^0^

Thursday 27 October 2011


Can u get so many trophy like this room from world chef.0.0 I did not get one before.

Tuesday 25 October 2011


Hello there, today i visit Miyuki' room and see them. They are steping on other head. XD
Miyuki step one Rose head, Joan step on Miyuki head XD

Monday 24 October 2011

Zombie Bride Park!


We have the creepiest items just for the Halloween!
By completing items you can get both Halloween Creepy Old Wall and
Halloween Creepy Old Floor!!!!

AND the rare item is an organ!!!!!

This is the only chance to get
Halloween items! Come check them out!

Have a Happy Halloweeeeen!!!!!


Have you play a game call 弹弹堂 before? It is a chinese in Facebook. This game is kind of fighting. It is a fun game too.
This is me in the game
The game look like
*Click it to view larger*
The place when i fighting
*Click it to view larger*

Saturday 22 October 2011

Étoile Family

Étoile Famly is open now. I think i'll join too. The Makiyo Family i make, i'll make it to a clan not a family. And about the poll, it will continue until the end.
É Rules :
★ Must be Loyal(In other wods, you can't join other pico family but clans/groups, it's fine)
☆ Must be Proud
★ We must be added on Facebook.

 How to join:

★ Take a Video of the while recording the following information of you and upload it on youtube and response to this video : Étoile Search 2011
☆ On the description of your video. Put there your Pico name.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
★ For Facebook Users, you can upload your video or post your video link here: (
 For non-Facebook users but have youtube account, Upload it on youtube and make a response to this video (

Information we need:

☆ Put your Pico name (Make sure you won't change it, because we will be checking the name after the search)
★ Country (real country/state)
☆ VIP Number/PRB high number (if you are a member)
★ Who are your buddies in Étoile family.
☆ Why do you want to join our family?
     -tell your reason or story.. how did you know u feel.. something like that xD
★ If you have pictures with us, feel free to put it as well! If you don't have, well, we don't mind :)
☆ You can also add more information/stuffs like ur age, your room. your favorite dress,favorite decor.. Anything! Just do it on your way.

Things to remember:

☆ Only YOU, on the video, answering the things we wanted to know.
★ Make sure that you own everything you are going to show.
☆ Please do answer everything in the "information we need"
★ You may put designs on your video, JUST MAKE SURE it's clear and we could read it well
☆ Please use English language
★ Feel free to add back ground music on your video! It depends on you which you're comforted :)
☆ By joining this search means, you are agree with the simple Étoile rules.
★ Étoiles will NOT going to add buddies while this event is ongoing. -  Don't ask why.
☆Make sure we could see your talk well, ZOOM IT IN.


★ No recorder? Download CamStudio or HyperCam here!
    -if you are lazy to download, you can just take pictures and make it as a video when you edit it on your video maker.
☆ I don't have video Maker!
    -if you are using Windows, check out on your start> All programs> Windows Movie Maker
    -you can also use online movie maker
★ I don't have any idea how to make the vid!
    -we will be posting a sample vid soon, just caml down ;)
☆ OMG! What to wear?
    -Anything. Your own style.
★ Got more Questions? Ask us here!



I tired for Makiyo Family. So, i have a poll for u guys. 'Shall I delete Makiyo Family?' If i really delete the family. Now i'm so sorry for all Makiyo member.

Happy Birthday, Mai And Mia

Today, i make a photo for Mai and Mia Birthday. I don't know why, when i want to post it to the page. It always loading.>0<
But the way, Happy Birthday Mai and Mia!!!
*Click it to view larger*

Happy Halloween~

A-pei actually is wawa. She changed her name in to A-pei. Today she have online, so take a photo with her as halloween photo.

Friday 21 October 2011

Photo With Karin

Hello there, boring again~ Just take a photo with Karin i edit it 2 time. Which better?
1st edit
2nd edit
Left:♚ ♛кαяιи♚ ♛ Right: Barbie(Me)

Daily Login Incentive and Win AG!!

Now we are ready to welcome all Picos with wonderful news!

1. New Daily Log In Items

Since it is Halloween, you will be able to get PUMPKINS when you log in everyday!

These pumpkins will be essential for the upcoming HALLOWEEN FUSER EVENT!
Be sure to log in everyday for the pumpkins!
*Please keep in mind that the pumpkins will not be available while placing it in your room.
Be sure to PICK UP before fusing.

2. New Log In Incentive

From today, there will be an icon on the side of your screen

Click on the icon and…

You might WIN Ameba Gold!

*Don’t forget that this is for once a day only! 
Log in everyday and try your luck!

Once again, thank you for your patience
and we hope you have a wonderful Halloween Pico Life!

Born This Way~

Yay!!! Born This Way is done. Mai finally done. I cant be live i in the video too. YEAH!!! 
This is the video, watch it.

Sunday 16 October 2011


  Today i buy a new shoes with token cuz i get a token today. I buy this shoes in France area. France is a nice lace i like it.

  And the next thing is my exam is coming, i'll not online since this week until my exam over. But i'll try to online on next week. My buddy and my lovely sisters, i'll miss you all. And don't forget to wish me luck for my exam. xD Bye~

~Good Luck~

Saturday 15 October 2011


Boring~ boring ~ boring~. I'm so boring today, have many time to edit this photo. :D

Pet With Sun Glasses

Guess who is the girl beside me

Rules Of ♡мαкίyσ☆

Terms & Condition
1) If you want to join, contact ME .
2) Must end your name with ♡мαкίyσ☆ .
3) Any hair colour will do.
4) Must have a Kimono dress, any Kimono will do.

5) Always check updates of ♡мαкίyσ☆ page.
6) Get some orange clothes. The colour of Makiyo is orange.

This is our fan page in facebook
Like pls

Hip Hip Horay!!!

Today in Mai's room for the video, we all jump haha. When jumping suddenly lag -.- then i go back to my room, i go Mai's room 3 again, and see. 6 PEOPLE WAITING !!!! I so angry in that time. When i waiting i whisper Joan, what happen at there. They are taking photo.T_T
Its ok, did not take a photo. I already take a photo when we are jumping. xD except Mai and Mia no jump.xD

Friday 14 October 2011

Joan And Me

Hello there, me and Joan take a photo in a pico room, but i don't know who is that pico. xD I think Joan have take a photo for she self too. Joan's photo will put in "Out Song" video, i think. And this photo is edit by me.

Horror Mansion is Now OPEN!

Pico just opened Horror Mansion Park!

Of course there is the Spider Gacha and more!!!
The Park is Super cool and spooky!!!

You can only come visit during Halloween!

Don’t miss out!!!

This is how to get to the Park! 

Have a happy Halloweeeeeeeeeeeen!

Tuesday 11 October 2011

" Our Song " Band

We are the band. Me, Joan and Belle. We are not real band.XD Just wanna make a video.
Singer: Asυкα_Jσαn
Drummer: ßєℓℓє♡мαкίyσ☆ , Barbie♡мαкίyσ☆


Hi, Barbie here. My exam is coming need to study harder. Maybe i'll not online in 1 or 2week for my exam. It so busy for my exam. >.< Wish i have a nice result. :D -pray- See you guys when my exam over. I'll miss you guys. /blow kiss

Wish Me Luck In My Exam!!xD

Monday 10 October 2011

I'm A Boy

This is my boy outfit. HAHAHAHA!!! But my mouth have make up and my face too.XD

New Edit

Today is a boring day too. I just play Pico for a while, so i take a photo and edit it. See is that nice. :D

Sunday 9 October 2011


I'm so boring. So i ask my brother play with me in pico. He is my real life brother too. We are twin in pico.
Left: Barbie( Me) Right: Speed♡мαкίyσ☆

Happy Birthday Hannah!!

Today is Hannah's Birthday. Joan wanna to make a birthday party for her, but have something happen. When Hannah online, just me and Joan online.>.< So,Joan will make the party tomorrow. 
Have a wonderful day on your Birthday, Hannah~
Left to Right: Barbie(Me), ★ Hannah ★ L  and Asυкα_Jσαn
Happy Birthday Hannah!!!

Saturday 8 October 2011

Help Me Please

Hello guys, can u help me to like my photo pls. I hope i can win this contest. So, need u guys help. Like Pls...

Thursday 6 October 2011

Bee Ninja VS Lady Bug Ninja

Karin just bought a new ninja suit. We take a photo in her room. xD
Left:  ♚ ♛кαяιи♚ ♛ Right: Barbie(Me)

Happy Birthday To Me!!!

Today is Oct 6, it mean today is my birthday.
 I'm so happy.
 It don't have anyone celabra with me. 
But never mind, i don't have a birthday party, it no need to be sad. 
Don't have a birthday party it still is my birthday. 
So, be happy in our birthday. :)
Maybe next year, i'll have a birthday party. :D

Happy Birthday To Me!!!~

Sunday 2 October 2011

Twins In Huo Xing

Hehehe...this is my twin in HuoXing. Actually, she ♚ ♛кαяιη♛♚, she just know a bit chinese. So, i'll teach her some chinese. :D
Left: Barbie(Me) Right: ♚ ♛кαяιη♛♚

Crystal, Rose And Miyuki

Today, i'm so happy. I can meet 3  Étoile in one day. XD Rose is my new buddy today, it nice to meet her. And we take a photo in Miyuki's room. We take with Karin and Momo too.
Left to Right: Barbie(Me), Crystal, Rose, Miyuki, Momo and Karin
Their pico name too long so i just put like this.

Saturday 1 October 2011


 Ameba Pico Maintenance again. I hate that!!!
When Pico Maintenance, me and Joan play Huo Xing together. Joan told me Ameba Pico have released Halloween Area. I don't have play Ameba Pigg cuz i don't know how to speak japanese.XD
When this maintenance back, i hope it like Pigg have released Halloween Area. 

Play Huo Xing With ☆BMG☆ßⓐяbíǝ!

When i don't play Ameba Pico yet, i go and play Huo Xing first. Then i log in my HuoXing saw ☆BMG☆ßⓐяbíǝ!  online too. So, i play with her for a while. Actually, ☆BMG☆ßⓐяbíǝ! is my new buddy in pico too. Her name Barbie too.XD
This is the photo in Huo Xing. This game is chinese.
Left: Barbie(ME) Right: ☆BMG☆ßⓐяbíǝ! 
笑! mean Smile!
This photo i copy from ☆BMG☆ßⓐяbíǝ! my photo have problem don't why. T_T
if u wanna to play, click here to play Huo Xing