Thursday 23 May 2013

New Music Player

Hi Guys~ I'm back again...haha long time no post in here o.o Yeah xD I will come back because i have 3 week holiday but just 1 week for real holiday. LOL the final big exam is around the corner i have to study in this holiday. If not my result are so What the fuck (sorry bad word).

I have change my music player have you guys saw it? Last time the player was Pink and now Purple. LOL I change it cuz the pink player have some error in it so i deleted it and now new player born. Lol i changed some songs too. When i delete the Pink player i forgot to copy the playlist so i did not add it back to purple player but i remember some... :D

Okay thats all for now.. xD need to back to study T^T and by the way enjoy the songs~ LOL Don't miss mehhh~ I'll be back since my final exam ended.(it need kinda long time O.O)

Without study i also in pigg. hehe
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Tuesday 1 January 2013

Happy New Year!! 2013

Hi guys!!! It is 2013 now...YAY how did u guys celebrate New Year? At home, go out? I just stay home and watch firework. xD It have countdown in pigg too. 
It is 2013, mean i have to study harder again...haiz...1 more days later need to back to school again. Study,study,study!!! Aiyo, i cant relax anymore until the 2013 big holiday start. LOL i will wait it. :C  
Tadaa... this is the picture i edited. Have u guys saw it when the countdown ended? Yea, this is the thing pop out. xD When it pop out it have music too. LOL I'm just boring so i edit it. hehe 
Okay, not much to talk now...studying* :O Anyway, Happy New Year, Guys!! :)

Tuesday 25 December 2012

I'm Going Back To School

Hi there~ did u guys have a wonderful day in pigg? xD I'm so happy we meet Yuli again. :D Yukko and Kimono had finally meet her too. LOL So, we play in the group room of Yuli created. It kinda fun. :D I just notice that Yuli was already 16 years old 0.0 I thought that she just 12, then Yuli tell me that 12 years old is Yuri. LOL 
By the way, i'm going back to school after a few days... School will be start soon. I'm not posting any post when i'm in school. xD But i'll post some when i'm free. I gonna study hard in 2013 cuz i have a very important exam in the that year...
I took some picture too, wanna see? LOL theres the picture~
Saw the twins? They are so cute >3<
Just 3 of us xD
You can click the pictures to view larger. Okay, there all for now. Bye~

Sunday 16 December 2012

Good Bye! Pico

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Hi there~ what are you guys doing now? Still playing pico? Today is the last day we can play pico, cuz tomorrow is 17th Dec...the end of pico world. Pico going to close tomorrow. AAHH...i'm so sad. All the memories with my friends in pico really gonna end too? I think not. xD I'll keep finding all my friends back in pigg. I spend all my C$ and i bought the big piano...I hear a funny thingy from someone i don't know, she said "Pico will come back on Feb 13 2013" It's that really true? 0.0 Maybe not... If really back i'll so regret that i spend all my gummies and C$. :C
Theres the picture of me and my new big piano. xD Okay, thats all for now. Lets say good bye to pico. And my pico avatar i'll miss you. T^T
Good Bye Pico!!!

Saturday 8 December 2012

Party In Mai's Room

Hi guys!! Have u guys have a wonderful day in pigg? :D Me does! xD I keep trying to add Mai in pigg but Mai locked her buddy request :O So, i try again to day. It work 0.0 I send Mai a buddy request, just 1 second Mai already accept it. LOL Then we( Vinny, me and Garu) go visit Mai's room it no one there. 
Vinny say she wanna to send a gift to Mai. Not longer take, Mai have come to her room and say thank to Vinny for the gift. :D Not longer, Mai done decorate her room and started a Party in her room. :D Haha... wanna know what we doing in that party? xD Okay, i'll tell you guys. We dress up the same outfit and stand to a line. But Mai did not join because she gonna take a shower at that time.:D 
Thats Mai with her esca. :D
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Dolly!! Each 10k cost...LOL -joke-

Okay thats all. It kinda fun in Mai's party. xD

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Sister In Pigg

Hello reader. Did you guys remember my 2 sister? Kimono and Yukko~ Since pico wanna to close down, we did not play pico anymore, now mostly in pigg. So, we finally have some free to play in pigg~ We really have a wonderful time in pigg just like we in pico. LOL :D We chatting, playing games and take same picture there.
The first day that Kimono play pigg. :)
We bought the same dress in shop, but not the same colours. LOL
Lapicorena in pigg. :D
left to right: Kimono, Me, Yukko
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I'm so happy to play with them. LOL It's not everyday we can play together cause Kimono not mostly online. I'll never forget this moment~ Okay thats all today, BYE ~ Have a wonderful day in pigg. :D

Saturday 1 December 2012

X' Mas Countdown

Hohoho. Hi there~ it something around the corner~did anyone feel it? Yes! it is Christmas~ Christmas is coming soon on Dec 25th... YAY! Santa is coming to town~(kid 's mind thinking) LOL. Pigg having a Christmas countdown calendar, when u log in everyday u get a surprise for that. The calendar have start from today~
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There~ the picture of the countdown calendar. Just click the bell icon it will appear a calendar like that picture. Today is the first day, we will get a token... For next day, i don't know what surprise did we get. So, remember to log in to get some limited surprise :D Merry Christmas~

Monday 26 November 2012

My Pocket

HiHi...what are you guys doing? I'm just online in my pico. Pico is going to close so i'm going to spend all my thingy in pico. :D I open my pocket and saw, it still have many thing in there. I forget the things at there, so i used it~ :) it have some action too...surprise firecracker, ninja throw, shining pray, soap bubble and etc.
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Boring!!!Why it is so boring to me?! But the way, now i'm mostly in my new life.LOL
Okay thats all for now. Bye 
(nothing to talk o.o)