Thursday 23 May 2013

New Music Player

Hi Guys~ I'm back again...haha long time no post in here o.o Yeah xD I will come back because i have 3 week holiday but just 1 week for real holiday. LOL the final big exam is around the corner i have to study in this holiday. If not my result are so What the fuck (sorry bad word).

I have change my music player have you guys saw it? Last time the player was Pink and now Purple. LOL I change it cuz the pink player have some error in it so i deleted it and now new player born. Lol i changed some songs too. When i delete the Pink player i forgot to copy the playlist so i did not add it back to purple player but i remember some... :D

Okay thats all for now.. xD need to back to study T^T and by the way enjoy the songs~ LOL Don't miss mehhh~ I'll be back since my final exam ended.(it need kinda long time O.O)

Without study i also in pigg. hehe
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